We are three months into 2022, and two years into a pandemic, if you were one of those people who set New Year resolutions and have stuck to them; we bow to you! If you are like the rest of us and are experiencing the collective feeling of being overwhelmed, we see you. There is so much pressure behind New Year Resolutions. In a pandemic or not, we should all practice self-compassion and try and be gentle with ourselves. We know it isn’t easy, but that’s why it’s called practice, you don’t have to be perfect to start. So we’ve curated a list of small victories and obtainable goals for those of us who are stressed about not meeting our New Years resolutions.
Start Journaling

Notice how we only said start? Often, journaling goals start at writing at least once a day in the beginning. And although that is helpful for many, we know it’s not always feasible. Between work, school, errands, family, and social lives, we understand it’s hard to choose what to prioritize at times. So here’s what we propose. Dig out that journal that you’ve kept but never written in because it’s too pretty, and start writing. That’s it. Any time, any day, just write. It doesn’t have to be every day, or even any week, but when you feel the inspiration hit, you owe it to your self to document how awesome you are.
Move Your Body

Now, before you roll your eyes and scroll past this section, hear us out. We are not telling you to join a gym (but also not judging if the gym is your jam 😉), all we’re suggesting is to move your body. Speaking for myself, I work a 9-5 desk job (writing to all you wonderful people) so I take dance breaks! Movement is supposed to be fun and not feel like a chore. Turn on your favorite song right now and rock out, literally dance like no one is watching. Get your heart pumping and we guarantee that the only side effect will be a smile, even maybe laughter.
Donate More

Giving back to the community always feels great, and it doesn’t need to be sizeable donations or monetary either! Have you ever noticed those little houses in your neighborhood filled with books? Most likely they’re a Little Free Library They’re the perfect place to start if you’re looking for a new book or to refresh your TBR? Take a look at your local free library and leave a book if you can! Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll find one with Sister Stardust in it 😉. Another great way to give back to the community can happen while also cleaning out your closet! Keep a bin or bag in your closet continuously. That way, when you try something on that you don’t love anymore, it goes straight into the bag! At the end of the month, donate that bag at your local community center.
Revisit Something That Brings Joy

As we grow older, whether it’s something society has ingrained in us or our constant need to appear more mature than our age, we lose touch with things that used to bring us joy. Why not find those again? If coloring in a coloring book used to bring you joy – do that! If streaming Scooby-Doo, stream it all night after your corporate meetings! If reading YA novels brings you those nostalgic escapist vibes, check out Inkyard Press! Run out into the rain, dance until you can’t breathe, jump rope (maybe not a Skip-It though…our ankles hurt just thinking about it), go to the playground and swing! Oftentimes, we get caught up in every day tasks that require “adulting” and forget that we are meant to laugh, be silly, and have fun. This Saturday, we are ordering you to pour yourself some cereal and turn on some cartoons.
Try One New Thing A Month

New Year Resolutions have so much pressure behind them and are often paired with tight deadlines (I must be bikini ready by summer – We’re here to tell you, you already are bikini ready 🥰). Instead of putting so much added stress on yourself, why not start small and stay consistent. Start with trying one new thing a month such as trying a new recipe, picking up a book off your TBR or trying a new genre for the first time, wearing one piece of clothing that you normally wouldn’t, or reaching out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Any new thing is a win and will give you a reason to celebrate!
No matter what you do, or what you accomplish, you should be proud of yourselves! Sometimes even getting out of bed is a win, and if you didn’t today, that’s okay too 🙂. Self-compassion comes in so many forms! List your favorite way to show self-compassion in the comments below!