We’re over halfway through the year and if you’re anything like us, your reading goal for 2020 may be a bit (read: a lot) off track. Not all hope is lost, though! Here are 5 tried and true trips to help you read more books and reach that reading goal after all.
Make Reading a Habit

Making reading a part of your daily routine is a sure-fire way to get some finished books off your shelf. Start by picking a set time to read everyday as well as a target page goal. While we love reading before bed, we’re also advocates for waking up early to squeeze in some reading. It’s a great way to ease into the morning and you’ll accomplish your page goal well before noon!
Don’t know what page goal to set? See how much time you know you can devote to reading on any given date. If you’ve gotten a half hour, then 20 minutes sounds about right and will have you finishing a book in less than 2 weeks. Whatever the case, make sure it’s easily achievable but still makes you feel like you’re making progress.
Read in Different Formats

Reading in different formats is an excellent way to squeeze more reading in. In fact, you can even have multiple books on the go in a variety of formats to make sure you’re never without something to read! Listen to an audiobook when you’re doing chores. Alternatively, an ebook is a perfect option when you’re on the go, especially if you have an app to read it off your phone! Lastly, there’s nothing quite the same as curling up in bed before going to sleep with a trusty old paperback or hardcover.
Having books in a bunch of different formats will make it so much easier to just pick up something to read whenever you find yourself with some idle time.
Participate in a Reading Challenge

Participating in a reading challenge is a fun way to motivate yourself to read more! If you’re a list-maker or even a competitive person by nature, a reading challenge will get your head in the game (or book!). There are so many reading challenges out there. Do a quick Google search to find the reading challenge that is right for you.
You don’t have to look far, either! BookClubbish has its very own #20BacklistIn2020 challenge where we’re committed to reading 20 backlist books this year! There’s still time to join in the fun with us. Download your tracker, look through your bookshelves and get reading.
Join a Book Club

A book club is also a great way to get yourself hyped up to read more. Like reading challenges, there’s a wide range of book clubs available to suit your preferences. And if you can’t find one yourself, why not make your own? We’ve got a guide to help you do just that!
Don’t forget, book clubs can also be strictly digital! We were so inspired by this movement, we even created our own Read With BookClubbish book club! If you’re loving the books you’re seeing on our blog, read along with us with a different book each month.
Organize Your TBR

Last but not least, if you’re struggling to get read more, get your TBR list in order! Now’s the time to destash your shelves, figure out what sort of books you feel like reading, and browse new releases for some reading inspiration. The key is to make sure you always have a book on the go and at least one lined up for when you’re finished.
One pro tip is to also let go of books you do not want to finish. What’s better: slowly making your way through a book you’re not loving or just DNF’ing it and getting into a new book you can’t put down? We’d pick the new book any day!
How do you make sure you read more? Let us know in the comments below!
I appreciate what you said about making your reading competitive. That would definitely work with me since it would be like a game. I’ll have to start a reading competition with my dad.
I love that idea – getting the whole family involved!